We’re always on the hunt for a good story, so we keep the door open to author submissions, 24/7/365.


If you have a completed manuscript, use the form below to submit your book for consideration. Submitting does not oblige you to publish with Argyle Fox Publishing.

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Author Submissions

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If you have a completed manuscript, use the form below to submit your book for consideration. Submitting does not oblige you to publish with Argyle Fox Publishing.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Author Submissions

Submit your book for consideration using this form.

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“Daniel’s patient kindness with his professional excellence made getting my husband’s book into print a truly enjoyable experience.

Also, with his publishing expertise, the very fitting cover he recommended gave the book a beautiful presentation that opens up to the pleasing layout he did inside.”

—Carol Nelson, Coauthor of My Journey through the Valley

My journey through the Valley