Looking for book publishing tips and tricks? Our blog offers news about Argyle Fox Publishing authors and information to make you a smarter author. Have a look around to find answers to many common publishing questions. Need information not mentioned here? Submit your questions, and we’ll do our best to answer them.
Its or It’s: Choose the Right one
When writing, you have to make a lot of choices. One you want to get right is choosing its or it's. So, how do you know which to use? Its or It's Explained While many people get this wrong, you can get it right. Here's how to choose between these two three-letter...
Meet Jasmine S. Harris
In 2023, Jasmine S. Harris came to Argyle Fox Publishing with When Mommy Says, a sweet book that highlights the special bond between mother and son. When she returned with an educational book about learning numbers and letters, we were ecstatic. Just who is this...
Where Is My Author Portal?
Research book publishing for long, and you'll come across author portals. What are they and does Argyle Fox Publishing use them? Find out below! Author Portals Explained An author portal is a way for authors to track their book's performance and their profits. Log...
Meet Shelba Oberto
Many Argyle Fox Publishing authors are new to the publishing process. Shelba Oberto had two books under her belt before bringing her thoughtful picture book On My Way Home to us for consideration. Learn more about Shelba, her writing process, and her goals for...
Meet Alexandra Hill
A book about a fox? It seems destined to be published by Argyle Fox Publishing. But first, artist and first-time author Alexandra Hill had to get over her hesitation. Fortunately she did, and the world of children’s literature is richer for it. Learn about Alexandra’s...
Meet Dr. Sara Coffey
The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything. Making sense of it is no easy task. Dr. Sara Coffey hopes to help. With a rich background in studying and understanding people, Dr. Sara Coffey created Unpacked as a tool for those struggling to make sense of the pandemic’s...
Pam Burgess: Grandmother, Entrepreneur, Four-Time Author
Pam Burgess is more than a grandmother of four. She's a busy, busy bee. While she took a few months off of publishing to start a new business, she's back in action with her fourth title, Sophie Learns What to Do. Find out how she creates so many wonderful stories and...
Rejected by a Publisher? Here’s What to Do Next
If your book gets rejected by a publisher, moving forward isn't always easy. But it is necessary. After all, that's the only way you'll make your dream of publishing a reality. Here's how to keep moving forward. Keep It in Perspective Rejection is nothing new. Talk to...
How to Make Your Book a Best-Seller
If you're a writer, you want your book to be a best-seller. Reaching that status takes a great book and a lot of work. Fortunately, you don't have to produce a New York Times Best-Seller to make money. There are a lot of categories for books these days. Make your...
Amanda Midkiff Releases Her Second Middle Grade Novel
Shortly after publishing her first book, Where the Crops Never Fail, author Amanda Midkiff contacted Argyle Fox Publishing. A second book was in the works, and she couldn’t wait to share it with the world. We were thrilled! Once we got our hands on Harvest of Hope, we...
Goals for Your Book: How and Why to Create Them
Before publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose, you need to set goals for your book. Why? How? What are good goals? You're about to find out. Why Book Goals Matter The reason to set goals for your book is simple. It gives you a target. Without a target,...
8 Book-Signing Locations to Consider
While you can sell lots of books online, selling in person gives you face time with readers. It can also give your online sales a bump. A well-planned signing event is a great way to make some sales and meet some people. But you have to put your event in the right...
Capital Letters: What Words Deserve Capitalization?
Misusing capital letters is a sign of an amateur writer. But you're not an amateur. You're a pro. So, how can you be sure to capitalize all the right words? Capitalize the First Letter of a Sentence Every time you start a new sentence, you need a capital letter....
Meet Michael Adam Jones
Most authors come to us with a book idea and need some help getting their book on shelves. Michael Adam Jones isn't most authors. An author-illustrator, Jones published his first comic, Nerds in the Burbs, years earlier. But something went wrong. So, he came to us to...
Its or It’s: Choose the Right one
When writing, you have to make a lot of choices. One you want to get right is choosing its or it's. So, how do you know which to use? Its or It's Explained While many people get this wrong, you can get it right. Here's how to choose between these two three-letter...
Meet Jasmine S. Harris
In 2023, Jasmine S. Harris came to Argyle Fox Publishing with When Mommy Says, a sweet book that highlights the special bond between mother and son. When she returned with an educational book about learning numbers and letters, we were ecstatic. Just who is this...
Where Is My Author Portal?
Research book publishing for long, and you'll come across author portals. What are they and does Argyle Fox Publishing use them? Find out below! Author Portals Explained An author portal is a way for authors to track their book's performance and their profits. Log...
Meet Shelba Oberto
Many Argyle Fox Publishing authors are new to the publishing process. Shelba Oberto had two books under her belt before bringing her thoughtful picture book On My Way Home to us for consideration. Learn more about Shelba, her writing process, and her goals for...
Meet Alexandra Hill
A book about a fox? It seems destined to be published by Argyle Fox Publishing. But first, artist and first-time author Alexandra Hill had to get over her hesitation. Fortunately she did, and the world of children’s literature is richer for it. Learn about Alexandra’s...
Meet Dr. Sara Coffey
The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything. Making sense of it is no easy task. Dr. Sara Coffey hopes to help. With a rich background in studying and understanding people, Dr. Sara Coffey created Unpacked as a tool for those struggling to make sense of the pandemic’s...
Pam Burgess: Grandmother, Entrepreneur, Four-Time Author
Pam Burgess is more than a grandmother of four. She's a busy, busy bee. While she took a few months off of publishing to start a new business, she's back in action with her fourth title, Sophie Learns What to Do. Find out how she creates so many wonderful stories and...
Rejected by a Publisher? Here’s What to Do Next
If your book gets rejected by a publisher, moving forward isn't always easy. But it is necessary. After all, that's the only way you'll make your dream of publishing a reality. Here's how to keep moving forward. Keep It in Perspective Rejection is nothing new. Talk to...