Should You Credit Your Illustrator?

Should You Credit Your Illustrator?

If you hire someone to illustrate your children’s book, there’s a question you must answer before you go to press. Should you credit your illustrator? The short, clean answer: Yes. Yes, you should. Want a little more meat on that answer bone? Keep reading...
My Book Cover Isn’t Showing on Amazon!

My Book Cover Isn’t Showing on Amazon!

You published your book and are thrilled to have family and friends order it. But there’s a problem. Your book cover isn’t showing on Amazon. Everything else about your book is there, but the cover has disappeared. While there’s little you can do...
How Much Does It Cost to Self-Publish a Novel?

How Much Does It Cost to Self-Publish a Novel?

If you’re reading this, you probably wrote a book. Or you’re thinking about it. Either way, you want to know how much it costs to self-publish a novel. The truth is that there is no set price. But there are some general guidelines to help on your journey....
Want a Friend to Illustrate Your Book?

Want a Friend to Illustrate Your Book?

One of your best friends loves to draw and has done a mural or two around town. So, you decide to ask your friend to illustrate your book. There’s only one problem. She’s never illustrated a book before. From your perspective, this seems like a minor...
Where Is My Author Portal?

Where Is My Author Portal?

Research book publishing for long, and you’ll come across author portals. What are they and does Argyle Fox Publishing use them? Find out below! Author Portals Explained An author portal is a way for authors to track their book’s performance and their...
Rejected by a Publisher? Here’s What to Do Next

Rejected by a Publisher? Here’s What to Do Next

If your book gets rejected by a publisher, moving forward isn’t always easy. But it is necessary. After all, that’s the only way you’ll make your dream of publishing a reality. Here’s how to keep moving forward. Keep It in Perspective Rejection...