Woman shrugging to illustration the idea that it can be hard to choose whether to use its or it's.

When writing, you have to make a lot of choices. One you want to get right is choosing its or it’s. So, how do you know which to use?

Its or It’s Explained

While many people get this wrong, you can get it right. Here’s how to choose between these two three-letter words.

  • Go with its. According to m-w.com, the definition of its is “of or relating to it or itself especially as possessor, agent, or object of an action.” Still a bit confused? Use its when something possesses something else. As an example, if a slug has a three-story slug house, you could write, “The slug went to its three-story slug house.” Of course, if you know the sex of the snail, it would be polite to label it appropriately.
  • Nope, it is it’s. It’s, on the other hand, isn’t just a word. It’s two words—it and is—brought together in a beautiful contraction. This contraction gives you a fast way to say it is.

Making the Choice

Still not sure whether to go with its or it’s? Here’s the only rule you’ll ever need:

If you can substitute the word for it is, you want it’s. Otherwise, use its.

Wish you had someone to edit your manuscript and make sure you use its and it’s in all the right places? Editing your manuscript is just one service we offer along the publishing journey. Take a look around the website to learn more about us or submit your manuscript for consideration if you’re ready to take the first step toward publication.