A Detroit, Michigan, native, Stephen McKinley Simpson moved south years ago and now calls Cleveland, Tennessee home. His first book, Remember When, is a memoir that chronicles life lived and lessons learned in the 1970s and ’80s. Keep reading to learn how he found Argyle Fox Publishing and what’s next for this hard-working writer.
Let’s get started learning about you. Who is Stephen McKinley Simpson?
A career blue collar worker who always dreamed of becoming an author. I like creating stories and making actual events a little more colorful and humorous.
Tell us a bit about Remember When. What is it about, what inspired the story, and how long did it take for you to move toward publication?
Remember When isa collection of stories about how my lower-middle-class family came to be and how we then survived life during ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s. These stories mostly revolve around me. While I did embellish details and recreate some of the conversations, all the events in the book did happen to me and my family members.
My inspiration was my daughter and my nephew. I was eager to show them the stark differences between being raised today and being brought up as a kid in the ’70s and ’80s. I also wanted people of my generation to look back and ponder about that simpler time, to propel them to share some of their stories of how things used to be.
It took ten years to write. It took only a few months to go from editing to publishing to getting my first proof in the mail.
How did you find Argyle Fox Publishing, and what made you think we would be a good fit?
I looked for months for a publisher. Most of them wanted significant money upfront, and I didn’t have the trust and reassurance that I wanted as a first-time author. I wanted a local publisher that I thought I could trust and even meet in person if possible. My wife, Heather, who is a wiz at sourcing things online found Daniel K. Brantley. I felt comfortable from my first interaction with Argyle Fox. The terms were very reasonable and upon agreement, Argyle Fox got to work right away.
Now that Remember When is published, how will you measure whether your book is a success? What is your goal for the book?
Honestly, it’s a success because I finished it. Ultimately every author wants to sell a bunch of copies, but as a first-time author I understand that may not be realistic. I have a sense of pride every time I see the cover. My goal is to sell enough copies to help pay to publish my next book.
What are you doing to market your book and let folks know it is available?
I am telling everyone I know, and I am also sharing stories and timelines on social media. Also, I have a working website that has a sharable link to purchase the book, and I am going to start reaching out to local little bookstores and libraries as well. I am new to it all and I am learning on the fly. But it is all very interesting and exciting too.
What feedback have you received so far on your book?
I have a couple of positive reviews on book sites. The few friends and family members who have read it said they loved it. The book has not been out long, so I am looking forward to getting more feedback.
What do you now know about book publishing that you wish you knew before getting started?
I was eager to learn and honestly there weren’t many surprises. The compensation to the author feels like it is not enough at first but if you factor everything that goes into creating, printing, and producing the finished product, it seems fair. I didn’t know you needed a separate ISBN number for each version, but that makes sense now.
What would you say to other authors who have a great story they aren’t sure if they should publish?
I would first tell them to find a good editor. You should have a professional editor that you trust to read a few chapters and give you an honest opinion of how close it is to the publishing phase. You have to get an unbiased set of eyes on your creation.
In Remember When, you mention having other book ideas up your sleeve. Where is the next book in process, and do you have plans to publish it? Do you mind giving us a sneak preview of its topic?
Proper Attire Required is the working title. I wanted to do a book on inflation or the cost of living and budgeting (and I still might) but I have recently changed my mind to resume work I had on an idea from ten years ago. In this day of narcissism, instant gratification and laziness I think we should all work on being better people. Rerack your weights at the gym. Push the shopping cart back to the store or the cart corral. Don’t wear pajamas out in public to a mall or restaurant. DON’T LITTER! I think people could use a 200-page Emily Post-type lesson on how to treat people and the environment we all share with a little more respect and consideration. I have an outline started and together with my wife, I am going to begin writing chapters in early 2025.
You write about being a lifelong fan of the Detroit Lions. They’re having an incredible season right now, but things are getting a little shaky. Could this be the year they pull off a miracle?
When it comes to the Detroit Lions, I am just grateful they are relevant for the first time in three decades. The injuries have been significant but the coaching and leadership on this team is first class. Even if they do not go all the way this season, I believe they will be a contender for years to come. Coach Dan Cambell and his staff have created a culture/identity that is synonymous with hard work and toughness. They have a team-first mentality, and they finally have that one thing that has been missing for so long: accountability.
Where can readers find you online? (This can be a website/social media, etc.)
They can find me on my website, mckinleymedia.net. It is a work in progress but there is a link to buy the book there. I am going to start blogging and posting in early 2025. My Facebook and Instagram pages are new as well, and I am still working out the kinks.
Is there anything else the world should know about you or your writing?
Getting a book published is by far the biggest thing that anyone in my family has ever accomplished. Along the way I learned some things. Hard work does pay off if you stick with something and believe in yourself. You need a team of quality people around you to make your dreams become a reality.
I hope to write more books that will both entertain and enlighten. I also wish to get into podcasting as well.
Thanks so much, and here’s to success!