Some writers wait a long time to publish their books. Children’s author Tracy Albanese-Costanza waited decades to publish her first book, Sunday Dinner. What kept her from pursuing her dream, and what advice does she have for you? Read below to find out.
Let’s get started learning about you. Who is Tracy Albanese-Costanza?
I have been an elementary school teacher for over twenty years, and currently I am a math interventionist.
I am also a mom of a college sophomore, who I am very proud of. In my free time, besides writing, I love to travel, garden and do yoga.
Tell us a bit about Sunday Dinner. What is it about, what inspired you to write the story, and how long did it take for you to move toward publication?
I actually wrote Sunday Dinner twenty years ago! I was living far from friends and family, and I was missing everyone, which was the beginning of how Sunday Dinner was created.
It is a celebration of families and their traditions. I grew up in an Italian American home, with most of my family living in the same small town in the Northeast. However, my hope is that Sunday Dinner will connect with families from any background.
How did you find Argyle Fox Publishing, and what made you think we were a good fit for your book?
I was lucky to hear about Sunday Dinner on a self-publishing social media site. I was interested in self-publishing but felt the entire process quite overwhelming. I really felt it was out of reach for me. However, when I found Argyle Fox Publishing, they explained their process and what I could expect, and I had hope again—that publishing my story was actually a possibility!
Now that Sunday Dinner is published, how will you measure whether your book is a success? What is your goal for the book?
I feel my initial success occurred when I finally held the finished product in my hands for the first time!
I think it is difficult to measure success. However, it would make me extremely happy if people found joy after reading my story. I feel like it is a story multiple generations would appreciate, and my hope is that other families will connect with Tony’s family. Spreading the ideals of Sunday Dinner is my goal, and I am excited to see how many people I can connect with!
What are you doing to market your book and let folks know it is available?
I am planning on visiting my local libraries and schools for author visits as well as local festivals in the spring. I have been using social media to connect with friends and family. I was lucky enough to have my book launch during Read Across American week, and the children in my school were the first ones to read the book, which was very special.
What feedback have you received so far on your book?
I love the feedback I am getting, mainly because I am getting feedback from both children and adults. The children are connecting with the main character, Tony, in a variety of ways. Some understand the feeling of wanting to make their own choices, and others understand the happiness spending time with their family brings. Adults are connecting with it, because it reminds them of when they were kids, and how they spent Sundays with their families. It’s a stroll down memory lane, and as one person said, “What I wouldn’t give to have Sunday dinner with my grandparents again.”
What do you now know about book publishing that you wish you knew before getting started?
During this process I realized that I shouldn’t have been so hesitant to begin exploring ways to publish. For many years, I felt that if a large publishing company was not interested in my book, then my book wasn’t good enough to be published. Now, I realize that idea could not be further from the truth. I am very happy that I had a change in my mindset, which led me on this journey.
What would you say to other authors who have written a picture book they aren’t sure they should move forward with and publish?
I would tell them that if they feel strongly about their book, go for it! If you surround yourself with people you trust, like I did with Argyle Fox Publishing, you will find it isn’t as scary as you may think.
Do you have other books up your sleeves? If so, can you give us a sneak preview of what you have in mind?
Although many of my students are wanting Sunday Dinner 2, when Alex comes to Sunday dinner (which is a great idea), I have something else already written. It’s a story about a boy who loves to fish and an unexpected connection he has with a bass named Bob.
Where can readers find you online?
I am currently working on creating my website. In the meantime, you can find me on Instagram or email me.
Is there anything else the world should know about you or your writing?
I am excited to have embarked on this journey. My hope is that my future books will continue to connect with readers of all ages.
Thanks so much, and here’s to success!