Image shows a man celebrating to illustrate the topic: Yes, you should give credit to your illustrator when publishing a children's book.

If you hire someone to illustrate your children’s book, there’s a question you must answer before you go to press. Should you credit your illustrator?

The short, clean answer: Yes. Yes, you should.

Want a little more meat on that answer bone? Keep reading for two short and sweet reasons why you should tip your hat to your artist.

Giving Credit to Your Illustrator Is the Right Thing to Do

Your artist puts a lot of work into developing your book’s illustrations. It takes hours, days, weeks, or even months to make everything just right. Therefore, it’s the right thing to do to credit your illustrator. It’s both kind and honest.

  • Kind. You like getting credit for your work, right? So does your artist. Giving credit shows you appreciate your artist’s work. Crediting your artist also opens the door for your artist to get more work. And that’s a nice thing to do!
  • Honest. You didn’t illustrate your book. Your illustrator did. So, it only makes sense to let readers know who created the art in your book. Otherwise, it looks like you illustrated your book. But the truth is that you didn’t.

Crediting Your Artist Is a Pro Move

It takes a village to get a book in readers’ hands. Professional authors understand that. They understand their limitations, reach out for help where it’s needed, and give credit where it’s due. They’re not ashamed to point out who illustrated their book or—if a ghostwriter lends a hand—who ghostwrote their manuscript. In fact, they’re proud to be surrounded and supported by a strong team, so they shout their praises from the rooftops.

Amateurs, on the other hand, are afraid to admit they needed help. Only their name shows up on the book cover and copyright page, making it appear that they did everything necessary to get their book to print. But we all know that’s not true.

So, why not admit it and celebrate the folks who helped get your book to the finish line? If you want to look like a kind professional, you will. You’ll credit your illustrator (even if a friend illustrates your book), ghostwriter, and anyone else who helps make your dream of becoming a published author reality.

Need some help getting your book off your computer and into readers’ hands? Argyle Fox Publishing does just that. Submit your manuscript today to take the first step toward publication.