How We Choose Books to Publish

How We Choose Books to Publish

How does Argyle Fox Publishing choose books to publish? Our decision-making process involves a few basic questions. Does the Story Grab Us? A quick look at our catalog shows that we publish a lot of religious books and children’s books. However, we’re more...
Is Argyle Fox Publishing a Christian Book Company?

Is Argyle Fox Publishing a Christian Book Company?

If you’re looking for a Christian book company to publish your book, you have certain expectations. The publishing company should follow the Golden Rule, set and meet or exceed clear expectations, and have customer service that is compassionate and professional....
Author Brings Passions Together at Chattanooga Zoo

Author Brings Passions Together at Chattanooga Zoo

Argyle Fox Publishing author Ann Cater loves the Chattanooga Zoo. She often takes her grandchildren there, and it was the setting of her first book, Charlotte’s Lost Water Bottle. But Ann doesn’t just love the zoo. She also loves the arts, and is the Board...
Meet Dr. Frank Clark

Meet Dr. Frank Clark

Dr. Frank Clark is a practicing psychiatrist. He’s also a poet. He’s been highlighted for Black History Month and much more. Since publishing Positively Haiku, the Amazon reviews have flowed in, proving the world needs a dose of positivity. Who is this...
Meet Nancy Lullo

Meet Nancy Lullo

When Nancy Lullo approached Argyle Fox Publishing, we were intrigued. It was clear that she didn’t write her book in hopes of becoming rich or famous. Rather, she wrote Miles Shares His Smiles to help others. Read below to meet Nancy and find out how she’s...