Image shows a man sitting in the driver's seat of a car. This is to show that Argyle Fox Publishing does more than provide author portals. We put you in the driver's seat of your publishing experience.

Research book publishing for long, and you’ll come across author portals. What are they and does Argyle Fox Publishing use them? Find out below!

Author Portals Explained

An author portal is a way for authors to track their book’s performance and their profits.

Log into your online portal, and you get access to the following information:

  • How many books you’ve sold over a given time period
  • Royalties you’ve earned over a given time period

Different portals allow you to break information down in different ways. You can see how a single title or all your books performed. Or you can see how sales have gone in a certain country. It’s really up to you.

What Publishers Use These Portals?

Author portals are used by a lot of publishers. Work with Penguin Random House, and you’ll get one. The same goes with smaller publishers.

In fact, nearly every publisher uses these online tools for their authors. What about Argyle Fox Publishing?

Does Argyle Fox Publishing Use Them?

This question requires a two-part answer.

Part 1: No. We do not create or maintain author portals. To be honest, our company is too small to deal with such things. We prefer to spend our time making authors’ books shine.

Part 2: Yes. As part of the publishing process, our authors create accounts with IngramSpark. There, authors can monitor sales and profits, order books, and dig deep into other information about their titles.

Final Thoughts on Author Portals

Are author portals bad? Not at all. There are plenty of companies that use them. So do we. We just don’t create them.

Instead, we help our authors get their data directly from the source.

Our goal is to help authors publish their books and empower them to own their publishing journey. Directly connecting our authors with IngramSpark is one small way we do that.

Want to earn royalties on your book? You’ve got to publish first. Submit your manuscript today to get started on the journey.