Public Domain Books 101

Public Domain Books 101

A crash course on what it means when a book reaches the public domain. Public domain books. You’ve heard of them, but you’re not sure what they are. Or you know what they are, but you have questions. Either way, here’s a brief rundown on what it means for a book to be...
Book Publishers Near Me

Book Publishers Near Me

Looking for the right book publisher? In today’s world, everywhere is local, including Argyle Fox Publishing. So, you’re looking for a book publisher near you, eh? Well, you’re in luck. Because no matter where you live, Argyle Fox Publishing makes...
What Is a Ghostwriter?

What Is a Ghostwriter?

A ghostwriter may be just what you need to get your story out of your head. Spend enough time in the world of writing and you’ll come across the term “ghostwriter.” But what is a ghostwriter? A ghostwriter is responsible for a lot of stuff you read....
Meet Pam Burgess

Meet Pam Burgess

Pam Burgess is busy. Despite having a lot of roles in life, she finds time to be creative in the midst of it all. When she approached Argyle Fox Publishing with a sweet early reader series, we were instantly hooked.  As her first book, Sofie Wears Someone Else’s...
Meet Betsy Hibbett

Meet Betsy Hibbett

When Betsy Hibbett reached out to Argyle Fox Publishing, she wasn’t sure what to expect. Following a phone call, she felt comfortable with what we do and decided to go for it. The end result is Backyard Breakfast, a fantastic picture book that is sure to get...