Looking for book publishing tips and tricks? Our blog offers news about Argyle Fox Publishing authors and information to make you a smarter author. Have a look around to find answers to many common publishing questions. Need information not mentioned here? Submit your questions, and we’ll do our best to answer them.

Rejected by a Publisher? Here’s What to Do Next

Rejected by a Publisher? Here’s What to Do Next

If your book gets rejected by a publisher, moving forward isn't always easy. But it is necessary. After all, that's the only way you'll make your dream of publishing a reality. Here's how to keep moving forward. Keep It in Perspective Rejection is nothing new. Talk to...

How to Make Your Book a Best-Seller

How to Make Your Book a Best-Seller

If you're a writer, you want your book to be a best-seller. Reaching that status takes a great book and a lot of work. Fortunately, you don't have to produce a New York Times Best-Seller to make money. There are a lot of categories for books these days. Make your...

Amanda Midkiff Releases Her Second Middle Grade Novel

Amanda Midkiff Releases Her Second Middle Grade Novel

Shortly after publishing her first book, Where the Crops Never Fail, author Amanda Midkiff contacted Argyle Fox Publishing. A second book was in the works, and she couldn’t wait to share it with the world. We were thrilled! Once we got our hands on Harvest of Hope, we...

Goals for Your Book: How and Why to Create Them

Goals for Your Book: How and Why to Create Them

Before publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose, you need to set goals for your book. Why? How? What are good goals? You're about to find out. Why Book Goals Matter The reason to set goals for your book is simple. It gives you a target. Without a target,...

8 Book-Signing Locations to Consider

8 Book-Signing Locations to Consider

While you can sell lots of books online, selling in person gives you face time with readers. It can also give your online sales a bump. A well-planned signing event is a great way to make some sales and meet some people. But you have to put your event in the right...

Should You Publish a Memoir? Here’s How to Know

Should You Publish a Memoir? Here’s How to Know

Wondering if you should publish a memoir? Some of the world's most famous and powerful people have wondered the same thing. Here's how to figure out whether to put your life story through the publishing process. First, a Definition Before deciding to publish a memoir,...

When a Publishing Company Closes

When a Publishing Company Closes

Whether you're a published author or dream of becoming one, you may wonder what happens if your publishing company closes. The answer depends on your publisher. Here are three scenarios based on the type of company you partner with in publication. The Publishing...

How We Choose Books to Publish

How We Choose Books to Publish

How does Argyle Fox Publishing choose books to publish? Our decision-making process involves a few basic questions. Does the Story Grab Us? A quick look at our catalog shows that we publish a lot of religious books and children's books. However, we're more than a...

6 Tips to Publish Your Self-Help Book

6 Tips to Publish Your Self-Help Book

Thinking of publishing a self-help book? You're not alone. According to Words Rated, 15,000 new self-help titles hit the shelf every year. Why? Because personal development is big business. Hence why readers buy 10 million of these helpful books every year. Whether...

Is Argyle Fox Publishing a Christian Book Company?

Is Argyle Fox Publishing a Christian Book Company?

If you're looking for a Christian book company to publish your book, you have certain expectations. The publishing company should follow the Golden Rule, set and meet or exceed clear expectations, and have customer service that is compassionate and professional. And...

Delete “I Think” from Your Nonfiction Book

Delete “I Think” from Your Nonfiction Book

Nonfiction writers have a unique challenge. They must get their facts right and make them interesting to readers. Meeting this challenge requires writers to look for every opportunity to trim down their words. A two-word phrase every nonfiction writer should get rid...

Meet Dr. Sara Coffey

Meet Dr. Sara Coffey

The COVID-19 pandemic changed everything. Making sense of it is no easy task. Dr. Sara Coffey hopes to help. With a rich background in studying and understanding people, Dr. Sara Coffey created Unpacked as a tool for those struggling to make sense of the pandemic’s...

How to Make Your Book a Best-Seller

How to Make Your Book a Best-Seller

If you're a writer, you want your book to be a best-seller. Reaching that status takes a great book and a lot of work. Fortunately, you don't have to produce a New York Times Best-Seller to make money. There are a lot of categories for books these days. Make your...

Goals for Your Book: How and Why to Create Them

Goals for Your Book: How and Why to Create Them

Before publishing fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or prose, you need to set goals for your book. Why? How? What are good goals? You're about to find out. Why Book Goals Matter The reason to set goals for your book is simple. It gives you a target. Without a target,...

8 Book-Signing Locations to Consider

8 Book-Signing Locations to Consider

While you can sell lots of books online, selling in person gives you face time with readers. It can also give your online sales a bump. A well-planned signing event is a great way to make some sales and meet some people. But you have to put your event in the right...

When a Publishing Company Closes

When a Publishing Company Closes

Whether you're a published author or dream of becoming one, you may wonder what happens if your publishing company closes. The answer depends on your publisher. Here are three scenarios based on the type of company you partner with in publication. The Publishing...

How We Choose Books to Publish

How We Choose Books to Publish

How does Argyle Fox Publishing choose books to publish? Our decision-making process involves a few basic questions. Does the Story Grab Us? A quick look at our catalog shows that we publish a lot of religious books and children's books. However, we're more than a...