Looking for book publishing tips and tricks? Our blog offers news about Argyle Fox Publishing authors and information to make you a smarter author. Have a look around to find answers to many common publishing questions. Need information not mentioned here? Submit your questions, and we’ll do our best to answer them.

When a Publishing Company Closes

When a Publishing Company Closes

Whether you're a published author or dream of becoming one, you may wonder what happens if your publishing company closes. The answer depends on your publisher. Here are three scenarios based on the type of company you partner with in publication. The Publishing...

How We Choose Books to Publish

How We Choose Books to Publish

How does Argyle Fox Publishing choose books to publish? Our decision-making process involves a few basic questions. Does the Story Grab Us? A quick look at our catalog shows that we publish a lot of religious books and children's books. However, we're more than a...

6 Tips to Publish Your Self-Help Book

6 Tips to Publish Your Self-Help Book

Thinking of publishing a self-help book? You're not alone. According to Words Rated, 15,000 new self-help titles hit the shelf every year. Why? Because personal development is big business. Hence why readers buy 10 million of these helpful books every year. Whether...

Is Argyle Fox Publishing a Christian Book Company?

Is Argyle Fox Publishing a Christian Book Company?

If you're looking for a Christian book company to publish your book, you have certain expectations. The publishing company should follow the Golden Rule, set and meet or exceed clear expectations, and have customer service that is compassionate and professional. And...

Delete “I Think” from Your Nonfiction Book

Delete “I Think” from Your Nonfiction Book

Nonfiction writers have a unique challenge. They must get their facts right and make them interesting to readers. Meeting this challenge requires writers to look for every opportunity to trim down their words. A two-word phrase every nonfiction writer should get rid...

Can You Remove Your Book from Amazon?

Can You Remove Your Book from Amazon?

You published your book, and then something changed. You fell out of love with the story, you changed genres, or someone said your book stinks. Whatever the reason, you want to remove your book from Amazon. But can you? In a word, no. Why You Can't Remove Your Book...

Author Brings Passions Together at Chattanooga Zoo

Author Brings Passions Together at Chattanooga Zoo

Argyle Fox Publishing author Ann Cater loves the Chattanooga Zoo. She often takes her grandchildren there, and it was the setting of her first book, Charlotte's Lost Water Bottle. But Ann doesn't just love the zoo. She also loves the arts, and is the Board Chair of...

Get More Amazon Reviews for Your Book

Get More Amazon Reviews for Your Book

Struggling to get Amazon reviews for your book? You’re not alone. Fortunately, one of our authors—Dr. Frank Clark—was willing to share how he got more than 80 reviews in a few months.

Should I Give My Book Away?

Should I Give My Book Away?

Authors are a creative bunch. First, they come up with wonderful story ideas that delight readers. Then they find creative ways to get those stories into readers' hands. Sometimes, they even give books away to spread their stories far and wide. But should they go to...

Argyle Fox Publishing Founder Interviewed

Argyle Fox Publishing Founder Interviewed

After speaking with author Jen Randazzo on her podcast, Get Your Book Seen and Sold, Claudine Wolk was curious about Argyle Fox Publishing. So, she reached out and interviewed founder, Daniel Brantley. If you've ever wanted more information on how and why we got...

Making Your IngramSpark Book Returnable

Making Your IngramSpark Book Returnable

You published your book, but it isn't getting much traction. So, you do some research and find out it may help to make your book returnable. Now you're wondering if you should do it. After all, it's a simple process that just requires a couple button pushes. So, it's...

8 Book-Signing Locations to Consider

8 Book-Signing Locations to Consider

While you can sell lots of books online, selling in person gives you face time with readers. It can also give your online sales a bump. A well-planned signing event is a great way to make some sales and meet some people. But you have to put your event in the right...

When a Publishing Company Closes

When a Publishing Company Closes

Whether you're a published author or dream of becoming one, you may wonder what happens if your publishing company closes. The answer depends on your publisher. Here are three scenarios based on the type of company you partner with in publication. The Publishing...

How We Choose Books to Publish

How We Choose Books to Publish

How does Argyle Fox Publishing choose books to publish? Our decision-making process involves a few basic questions. Does the Story Grab Us? A quick look at our catalog shows that we publish a lot of religious books and children's books. However, we're more than a...

Delete “I Think” from Your Nonfiction Book

Delete “I Think” from Your Nonfiction Book

Nonfiction writers have a unique challenge. They must get their facts right and make them interesting to readers. Meeting this challenge requires writers to look for every opportunity to trim down their words. A two-word phrase every nonfiction writer should get rid...

Can You Remove Your Book from Amazon?

Can You Remove Your Book from Amazon?

You published your book, and then something changed. You fell out of love with the story, you changed genres, or someone said your book stinks. Whatever the reason, you want to remove your book from Amazon. But can you? In a word, no. Why You Can't Remove Your Book...