How to Write a Book People Want to Read

How to Write a Book People Want to Read

Great writing skills don’t guarantee your book will sell. You’ve got to write a book people want to read. Even if you’ve mastered the complexities of written language, your new book may fall short in terms of sales and popularity. Because if no one is interested in...
Writing Your Second Book

Writing Your Second Book

Are you intimidated by the thought of writing your second book? You’re not alone. In fact, many authors have suffered from a condition known as Second Book Syndrome. Also called the “second book slump,” this well-documented phenomenon occurs when an author’s second...
Show, Don’t Tell for Better Writing

Show, Don’t Tell for Better Writing

You squeezed writing into your day and finally finished writing your book. Excited, you show it to a trusted friend. She reads the first chapter and has one piece of advice: “Show, don’t tell.” You scratch your head, confused. Show, don’t tell? What does that even...
Fit Writing into Your Day

Fit Writing into Your Day

Tips to fit writing into your daily routine, so you finally get your book written. You’re a writer, but that’s not all you are. You’re also a parent and a friend, and you have a full-time job. It sounds cliché, but if you want to succeed, you need to get things done....
Rules for Your Writing Group

Rules for Your Writing Group

You decided to make a writing group, but you want to make sure it does what it’s supposed to do. That it’s a safe space for writers to express themselves and improve in their craft. So you need ground rules for your writing group for it to function well without...
How to Create a Writing Group

How to Create a Writing Group

Although writing is a solitary activity, writers need to be in the company of like-minded people. Your fellow writers can give you the encouragement, advice, feedback, and support that you need. This is why joining a writing group is beneficial for you. What if there...