To stretch your writing muscles, write!

Are you aspiring to become a better writer? You can do it! You’ve just got to build your writing muscle. Like a normal muscle, you have to practice writing regularly to develop it and keep it in good shape.

How can you build a consistent writing routine that will improve your skills? Here are simple yet valuable methods to help you stretch your writing muscles.

Write Daily

The best way to become a better writer is by writing—a lot. This means committing to a consistent writing routine every single day. And it doesn’t have to be super long stretches of time. Set aside 15 to 30 minutes to practice writing, and you’ll make big strides.

Struggling to get started? Try freewriting. Don’t think. Don’t worry about outlining or proofreading. Just pour out your ideas and thoughts on paper.

Of course, freewriting isn’t the only way to hone your skills. The possibilities are endless when it comes to writing and learning the craft. Write what you love and enjoy the most, whether short stories, poems, movie reviews, fanfiction, or fantasy novels.

Writing is a skill that you build and develop over time. Use the process to enhance your skills as a professional writer and an overall creative person. The more you practice and write, the easier it will become for you.

Make Reading a Habit

Aside from writing every day, you should also make reading a habit. Reading exposes you to various writing styles that help you become a better writer. You can also widen your perspectives, vocabulary, and ideas.

Be open to reading a wide range of selections. Dig writing nonfiction? Grab some fiction or poetry. The kind of content you choose to focus on can have a huge impact on what you learn from it. Expanding your reading horizons will also have a powerful impact on your writing.

You can also use reading to help address some of your weak points. Struggle with narrative voice? Read more autobiographies. See how the best writers do what they do and imitate them!

When reading, pay attention to writing style, tone, and concepts. If you’re feeling particularly studious, take notes Then refer to them when you’re writing.

Try Creative Writing Exercises

Creative writing exercises are a fun, fantastic way to hone your writing skills and style. This activity helps you loosen up your writing muscles or warm-up for your next writing project.

Before starting a new writing project, set aside a few minutes to complete a creative writing activity. You can also use the books you read or the movies you watch as a writing prompt.

Below are some creative writing exercises to try.

  • Take a completed story and write it from a different character’s point of view.
  • Pick a random object around your house and describe it in poetic verse.
  • Write a news headline using the events of your day.
  • Choose one of your favorite stories and write it in a different genre.
  • Write a short story or scene without any adjectives or adverbs.
  • Use a writing prompt to speed-write a story. Here are 31 Halloween writing prompts to get you started.
  • Write three opening lines to three different stories.

Learn from Other Writers

Learning from great writers is another way to become better at writing. Who are your favorite authors? What kind of writing style do they have that you admire?

Every writer begins by learning from great authors. Once you read their works and emulate their techniques, you’ll eventually find your own writing voice. You’ll also bulk up your writing muscles.

Read the works of acclaimed authors to grasp good writing. Note their mechanics and styles. When you’re feeling confident, critique their work. This offers good practice for critical observation, problem-solving, and revision.

What would you have done differently if you were the writer? What are the strengths and weaknesses you can find? When you read other people’s works through a critical lens, you can recognize areas for improvement in your own writing.

Grow as a Writer

Becoming a great writer takes a lot of time and work, but it’s worth every effort. No matter what stage you’re at right now, you can grow your writing muscles. All it takes is dedication and hard work.

Want to flex your writing muscles for the world? We can help you make it happen. Submit your work to get started.