Book launch tips

A book launch is the crowning effort of your book writing journey. You may have written the perfect chapters, designed a head-turning book cover, and crafted an engaging blurb. But a book launch helps kickstart your book sales. So you better make it good. (That said, if your book launch flops, all is not lost!)

While you’re naturally excited to launch your book, you need to hype up potential readers before they can share in your excitement. No matter how good your new book is, mediocre event organization or uninspired marketing campaigns can lead to a boring book launch with barely any attendees.

You’ve already invested time, energy, and resources in writing and publishing your book. Don’t let it go to waste. Put in the exert extra effort to turn your book launch into a smashing success.

Keep reading to learn how to throw a killer book launch for your latest literary creation.

1. Schedule Wisely

People are busy. It’s not possible to find a date and time that accommodates everyone. That’s why you need to choose your book launch date wisely.

Here are some scheduling guidelines to consider for your book launch.


  • Weekends are tricky. That’s when people schedule all their fun stuff. If you want to pull off a successful weekend book launch, plan early. And make it so fun people will want to be there.
  • A lot of people prefer to sleep in on the weekend. So don’t schedule your book release event early in the morning. Push it until at least noon, if not later.


  • A weekday launch should begin at 7 p.m. or later. This allows people who work regular office hours to attend your event.
  • Wednesdays or Thursdays are a better choice than Mondays or Tuesdays. Early in the week, many people are still stressed about work obligations. As the week progresses, they get a better handle on things, so they’re a bit more flexible with their after-work hours.

2. Select the Perfect Venue

The perfect venue sets you up for a great book launch with your target readers.

If you published a fictional novel with mainstream appeal, consider traditional bookworm spots. Bookstores, libraries, and book fairs are all great choices. Write a non-fiction science book? Consider holding your event in a museum or university. Before signing on any dotted line, make sure the venue you select has a good track record of hosting events. If not, prepare to do a lot of work on your own to make it a success.

Whether considering a classic place or an unorthodox one, choose a book-signing location that’s accessible for guests. Choose a spot that is centrally located and easy to find. If you’re hoping to draw people from a wide area, go with a venue that’s near major freeways and offers ample parking.

3. Make It Fun

Many writers hold book launches every year. Few have really good book launches. Be one of the few. You’ll make your event stand out and increase sales.

Unless you’re a celebrity, some people won’t be too excited about meeting you and purchasing your books. You can still convince them to show up. Just make your event interesting—something they want to attend.

Motivate potential guests to show by offering them real benefit. How? With the following ideas:

  • Market your event as an enjoyable party instead of a dull, formal affair.
  • Offer free food such as appetizers or catered snacks.
  • Organize a raffle or contest in which guests can win prizes, including free copies of your book.
  • Plan a special activity that’s appropriate for your readers. When launching a children’s picture book, hold a storytelling session for kids. If you published an art tutorial book, teach a quick art lesson.

4. Promote Your Book Launch

A good book launch needs people. People only show up if you tell them about it.

Start promoting your book launch a month before the actual event. Use as many marketing channels as possible. Post on social media, be a guest on TV and radio shows, send emails and newsletters, and post flyers around town. Then plug your events with the local book clubs, literary groups, and other groups who may enjoy your book.

Make sure all the important details are in all your promotional materials. Forget to list the time, date, or location, and you’ll lose your potential audience.

5. Prepare for Your Book Signing

A book launch isn’t complete with some book sales and signing. Getting ready for this will ensure everyone who wants a book leaves with one.

Stock Up on Books

The main reason most people attend your book launch is to purchase your book. Have more books with you than you expect to sell.

Otherwise, you may not have enough books on hand. As a result, some people will go home empty-handed. And no matter what they promise, they probably won’t buy your book later.

Prepare Your Pens

Know what type of pen you prefer and have several on hand. Don’t rely on a single pen. If you do, you’re in trouble if it stops working.

When signing, don’t guess at spelling. Keep blank pieces of paper nearby. If readers request a dedication, have them write out the name for you. This seems cumbersome, but it’s faster than having them spell out loud.

Follow These Tips for a Killer Book Launch

The overall success of your book is influenced by the quality of your writing. However, the impact of your book launch can’t be overlooked. Organizing an effective book launch is essential to get your book off on the right foot.

Not at the book launch phase yet? Argyle Fox Publishing can get you there. Our smart, simple book publishing services help get your book off the computer and onto bookshelves.