How to Stretch Your Writing Muscles

How to Stretch Your Writing Muscles

Are you aspiring to become a better writer? You can do it! You’ve just got to build your writing muscle. Like a normal muscle, you have to practice writing regularly to develop it and keep it in good shape. How can you build a consistent writing routine that will...
How to Find Your Writing Voice

How to Find Your Writing Voice

Who are your favorite writers, and what do you like about them? We all have an author we enjoy reading because we admire their style. For many, a clearly defined voice is part of the appeal of many famous authors. So how do they do it? More importantly, how do you...
How to Copyright Your Book

How to Copyright Your Book

Want to Copyright Your Book? You can to it–without paying an attorney. And yes, it’s easy, so you don’t have to worry about messing something up. Before we get into that, you should know that you don’t have to copyright your book with the US Copyright Office.

Publish Your Book This Year

Publish Your Book This Year

Make this the year you finally publish your book! If you’re reading this, you’ve written a book, and you love it. Isn’t it time you publish your book and send it out into the world? Take advantage of the New Year to make it happen! Why You Should Stop Waiting Most...
6 Mistakes Self-Published Authors Make

6 Mistakes Self-Published Authors Make

Advances in technology and communication methods have made self-publishing a possibility for people all over the world. Nowadays, authors can bring their books straight to their readers from the convenience of their home. There’s no more need to deal with big...