Choosing Your Publish Date

Choosing Your Publish Date

Timing matters when releasing your book. Whether it’s your first, second, or thirty-third, sending it into the wild at the right time can help its early days go smoothly. In other words, the right publish date gives your book the best shot at success. So, when...
Meet Maverick Malone

Meet Maverick Malone

Poets feel deeply. Maverick Malone, author of Pressed Petals, is a textbook example. However, Maverick Malone is a unique creature. Her poetry is poignant and sincere, and her personality is playful and mischievous. Keep reading to meet this playful, purpose-driven...
Use Less Dialogue for a Better Book

Use Less Dialogue for a Better Book

Our world moves quickly. We drive fast cars, fly across the world in a few hours, and watch screens that jump from scene to scene in an instant. Let your characters talk too much, and your book will move slowly. Have a slow-moving book, and you’ll lose readers....
Misprinted Books from IngramSpark? Here’s What to Do.

Misprinted Books from IngramSpark? Here’s What to Do.

It felt like it took eternity, but it finally arrived. When you rip open the box from IngramSpark, something’s not right. You have misprinted books. Unfortunately, misprints and other mistakes are a part of life. But they don’t have to be the end of your...
What Publisher Pays the Highest Royalty?

What Publisher Pays the Highest Royalty?

When you sign a contract with a book publisher, getting the highest royalty possible allows you to make the most money possible. Sound like something you want to do? Here’s what to expect from different types of publishers. Traditional Publishing Payments...